Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Gluten- Is it just a Buzz Word? What to Eat to avoid Gluten and where it's Hiding

GLUTEN- It's not just a word for Celiac's anymore!!!

For the most part- Gluten is a mixture of proteins found in wheat, rye and barley. It's actually in many more things than the above.

Wheat Free doesn't also mean Gluten Free- they are two different things, although, Gluten is found in Wheat as well as other sources.

Most people are actually Intolerant of Gluten and don't know it. Gluten intolerance could be the culprit of your Mood Disorders, ADHD/ADD, Depression, Thyroid Issues, Ulcerative Collitis, IBS, Bloating, Fatigue, Headaches, Bodyaches, Skin rashes and much more...

Here is the Gluten Free Safe List:
Buckwheat & Kasha
Steel Cut Oats (If uncontaminated)
Rice (even glutinous rice is safe) It's not Gluten
Taro Root/ Teff
Tapioca (casava, casaba, yucca)

Gluten can be hidden in these products that you thought were safe:

Breadcrumbs & Biscuits
Most processed and box made baked goods, pie crusts and Muffins
Gravies & Sauces
Teriyaki Sauce
Most ready made marinades
Imitation Crab
Soy Sauce

The iffy's:

Flavors & Natural flavorings
Seasonings and spice Blends
Starch (in pharmacueticals)
Brown Rice Syrup

And of Course...
Anything that has grown out of the ground is safe...
All Fruits and Vegetables

Monday, September 21, 2009

There's No Right Way to Eat for Everyone.. Differences Run Deep

We are all so different on the outside as well as having all sorts of dispositions and personalities. Have you ever stopped to think about whether or not we are all different on the inside too? Well, we are. We are all Biochemically, hormonally and genetically varied. More experts are beginning to agree that our diets do need to be individualized in order for us to reap the benefits of what we eat. This is the main reason why fad diets will only work for a percentage of the people that go on them.

There are many factors taken into consideration when determining your Metabolic Type (Food Type). Genetic Makeup, Culture & Background, Lifestyle, Personality Traits, Day to day physical health,Seasons and weather, Gender and Age are just a few categories that affect what Foods We Need to FUEL Ourselves optimally. Once you find the correct foods and proportions for "YOU", your body will quickly transform itself into a health and energy machine. As they say "one man's medicine is truly another man's poison.

There are a few rules that apply to all types... Pure, Clean Water is needed by all of us. You should be drinking 1/2 your weight in ounces of water each day.

Have you struggled with food, weight, emotions about eating, cravings or food addictions? It's never too late to begin Eating for Your type to normalize your body and improve your general HEALTH & VITALITY. (This includes the aches, pains and allergies) you have learned to live with.

Tip of the Day: Take the Right Approach to Health. There are three main Emotional Cues to take into consideration. MOTIVATION, AWARENESS and PATIENCE. Motivation to carry out change, Awareness is remembering your motivation and intention, as well as being aware of potential pitfalls and blockers, and having the Patience to make small changes and reap the benefits.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Food / Mood Connections... You are What you Eat and Your Stress is connected

You've heard it before but do you really get it? You should try to be open minded and make small changes. For example...You need B6, Vitamin C, Folic Acid, and Zinc because these are necessary nutrients for your brain to feel Good. These are literally good mood nutrients. They are needed to make Seratonin from tryptophan. Get these nutrients from eating Grass Fed Beef, Wild Fish and Beans.

Are you depressed? A good possibility could be the lack of Folic Acid or Selenium in your diet. There is a strong connection between too little Folic Acid and Depression. Eat these foods to help get out of your funk: Oranges, Turkey, asparagus, beets, and green leafy veggies like spinach.

Grouchy? Anxious? Out of sorts?... Hope not, but these foods can give you the Selenium boost your body may be craving: Whole Organic Grains, tomatoes, eggs, broccoli, tuna and sunflower seeds. Organic foods will give you a higher nutrient availability.

Food really affects your mood, energy and health. Think about it, if it can sit on a shelf for years at a time- what do you think it's doing in your body. Do you think you can actually pull the nutrients your body needs from boxed CRAP.

Here's today's tip: Shop the grocery store Perimeter.
That's where the freshest foods are located. Buy and eat local, if possible. Make a list of fresh herbs, veggies and fruits, grains and meats or fish. Try some new recipes and experiment with foods that have 5 ingredient's or less. You will feel the difference within Days. Add more Water a day to those fresh foods and really kick start your Energy, Mood and health!!!!