Friday, December 4, 2009

“The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results”.

Einstein once said: “The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results”. This applies to just about everything. Lets relate it to what you eat and the stress you may feel at any given moment.

Think about what you eat and how you exercise. Are you thinking? Chances are you are sticking to basically the same foods and same exercise patterns. If this is working for you..Bravo! The same actions resulting in the same outcome. But I think most people will lean toward the side of still wanting to change something about their body, health and/or energy levels.

Think of the first week of the New Year, when you get to the gym and all of the treadmills are full. Six weeks into the year, some of the new people are not there anymore but you still see most of the same people from last year, still running on the treadmill and still looking a bit overweight.

When you keep putting in the same- you get out the same. You get very little change in who you are: on the outside as well as on the inside. These same foods, exercises or lack of, daily choices and THOUGHTS are part of what lead to stress.

This year, instead of making a New Years Resolution, I think you should make a New Year's Intention. Setting a New Year's Intention is setting yourself up for success. When you make an intention for yourself, you must write it down and right down the steps you will take to meet your intention. In a way it is more serious and concrete. It's like when you begin a new business, you want to create a mission statement, which is similar to a intention. When we create Intentions, we change our thoughts and actions so we can accomplish our Intention.

Since you have changed your thoughts, you are going to change some behaviors and ultimately will get a NEW OUTCOME. As you begin to live the life you really see for yourself, you will experience less stress.

Tip: This year, Create a Vision-Picture Board of some things you want for yourself in the upcoming years. Find pictures of what you want. Create Statements and Intentions and place them all on your INTENTION POSTER. As you are really able to visualize what you want for yourself, you will find the means to create a new reality. You will change what you have been putting in to get some new output. This transformation can be Physical as well as Mental. Good Luck!

One of my Intentions is to introduce new concepts in eating, exercise and thinking to as many people as possible, hoping to create new dialogues of possibilities and realities. I want to inspire people to think about Why they have the beliefs they do about food and exercise. I hope as a nation more people begin to challenge and contemplate if everything they have been led to believe about food is true. Choosing foods can be like choosing medicines at a pharmacy. Change what you have been doing and thinking and try something new at least, every other day.

*I tried a Lentil Quesadilla today. I thought I would hate it because of how it looked, but it was excellent. (I got it at Rising Tide, in case you want to try it too.)

Sunday, November 29, 2009

How's your Relationship with Food?

We all know that some relationships in our lives cause stress. If you had to make a list, which five relationships in your life can be stressful? Does your list have five people on it? Maybe there are only three. BUT, are you forgetting anything? While practicing as a health & nutrition coach and a personal trainer, I have discovered that most people have a stressful relationship with food.
Food literally causes stress in multiple ways. Food can cause emotional stress, mechanical stress, time stress and digestive stress. In reality, FOOD PLAYS A MAJOR ROLE IN YOUR HEALTH. Food can help to keep you healthy but also make you sick.
It is so much more than something to grab when you are hungry. If you are not sure where to start when you decide that you want to lose weight, you should begin with your relationship to food.
Most of our food habits are formed when we are young. Most of today's adults were taught not to leave any food on their plates, and that they should eat everything. (this could have been due to money fears or sympathy for people that had nothing, so we should not waste, or simply because that's what their parents were taught. Another issue is our need to have everything (including food) immediately. We live in a world of immediate gratification, but that is not always a benefit, is it?
I know some people who feel that if they are at a buffet, then they must taste everything, even if they are already full. Is that a mental thought or is it because they love food? Can they really be that hungry? Maybe it's because they paid one price so they want to get their money's worth. What is their intention going into the buffet? The only consistent reason for the above examples comes back to the premise of: the person's relationship to food. I think you get my point.
So, how do we change our relationship with this small four letter word which can control our lives?
First, define yourself. Do you live to eat or Eat to live?
Next make a list of your five favorite meals and how often you eat them. Do any foods on that list appear there because there is an emotional tie? Can you identify what triggers you to eat or reach for a cup of coffee, an ice cream cone or a bagel. I know all of those foods taste good and are easy but they all have other emotions and needs attached to them.
Add a section for when you eat. Do you skip meals (maybe breakfast?), eat all day (a grazer) or only eat at designated meal times? (because it's in the schedule.) Listen to your body. Know your intentions before you eat.
Next, write down all of the positive things in your life. What is going well? Think about all aspects such as work, family, friends, exercise, spiritual, children, parents, financial, goals, etc...
When you have completed the list of positive points in your life, look at the list more thoroughly. Are there any specific parts to the positive categories that may not be exactly how you would like? Are there any parts of your marital relationship that may be lacking? How about exercise? Have you reached all of your financial goals that you set for yourself? Do you set aside time each day for your spiritual self? Do you meditate, keep a gratitude journal or even sit outside with your thoughts each day.
I bring this to your attention for a moment, because when parts of the positive list are not exactly hoe we had imagined them to be, People sometimes fill the voids with food.
In order to get a healthier relationship with food, you need to get a healthier relationship with yourself. Sometimes, it's in the layers within ourselves, where you will find true healing and acceptance. When we take that hard look at our lives, how we had imagined them to be and how they actually are, that we find reasons for our eating patterns. As you clean up the food, you will reduce the stress and as you reduce the stress (and create more outlets for the stress) YOU WILL MAKE HEALTHIER FOOD CHOICES, which will in turn lead to better health and better thoughts.
Your Food Cravings may actually be emotional cravings.

My Tip for you, is to start creating the list of all the good in your life. Review your list and decide which aspect of your life is the most important to begin to work on. Fill any void or talk about any issues you may be holding in. If that is to hard, get a journal and write a letter about your feelings. You don't have to mail the letter, but you need to release the feelings onto paper to get it out of your psyche. Once you release the feeling, it will no longer have a hold on you. Most likely, you feel feel lighter and happier, enabling you to make one better food choice in the upcoming week. CHANGE YOUR INTENTIONS BEFORE EACH MEAL. Another tip is to get a massage when you have completed that task.

Check back with your Stress-O-Mom-oter for more ways to reduce the stress food has in your life. It's just too much for one blog.

Saturday, November 21, 2009

Is Stress getting the Best Of You?

It's that time of year again. The days are getting shorter (literally) yet our lists of "to do" is not getting smaller. Holidays can be stressful on so many levels for people.
These last 6 weeks of the year come and go like a whirlwind , and while they are blowing through, they may be stirring up many feelings.

Stress starts coming at you as you spend money on gifts and/or worry about not having enough money to spend on gifts.
-A lot of unhealthy foods are served
-Many Holiday parties lead to too much food and alcohol
-Time constraints are heavy. We become even more over-scheduled at this time
-Parents of Teens may feel the pull from school sports, which don't allow for to much vacation time
-Memories of Loved ones that are not with us can become a focus, causing you to feel sad
-Thoughts of what you don't have may surface
-New Year's resolutions come full circle, and if you fell off the path to yours, feelings of inadequacies may surface.
-Weight Gain through this holiday also may cause depression
-People tend to be very hard on themselves for lack of restraint

These above stresses are just some of the conscious causes of stress. Hidden stresses are present too. These are things such as exercise, what and when you are eating, chemical stresses , sleeping patterns and many other things that also add to the pot.

I could go on and on, but the list will change depending on who's reading this.

My advice is to try and focus on the positive of each and every potential stress causing event. There can't be bad in the world or in your life, without good. Both exist with each other in balance. It's Yin and Yang. It's all a matter of how we deal with our own circumstances.

Here are some suggestions for keeping yourself calm and grounded through this season.

Be thankful for challenges and general conflict. These problems are usually temporary, and if not, there are many ways to learn from them. Optimally, you will want to learn from a challenge, and if necessary make changes from your inner core. There will also be many beautiful and perfect days. The key is keeping a balance in your mind and heart, knowing that you can overcome anything through your intention to change.
Tips to deal with stressful situations:

1. Breathe Deeply - taking a deep breath naturally relaxes your body and mind. Breathe in deeply through your nose and exhale with small force, through slightly parted lips. 10 of these breathes literally resets your nervous system, helping you to reground yourself.
2. Remember that your situation is temporary moment in time and will pass. You may feel more control realizing you have the power to change it. Change your thoughts on the subject, WILL CHANGE THE OUTCOME too. At least it will change your perceived stress level of the problem.
3. Take a walk, run, or include other methods of exercise into your life. This will allow your body to release tension.
4. Remember to take care of you. Nothing makes a stressful situation worse, than being run down and being on automatic pilot. Life takes thought. Write down your goals for your sanity and what steps you will take to accomplish them.
5. Take a moment to find some quiet every day. Take time to set your Intentions for the Day. Doing so will help you to refocus and feel more in control of your life.
6. Listen to relaxing music, be outside or use a guided meditation CD.

Despite how you may feel, you are in control. In the end, it is you who controls the elements of your day, week, month, and year. Your thoughts drive your actions and eventually lead to the outcomes you experience. Change your thoughts to the positive side of every situation. Remember to be THANKFUL for what you have and what you want to have. If you can remember this, when problems seem to be too big to handle, you may have an easier time making changes in your life. You will gradually begin to feel less stress in your life.

So, tomorrow, remember....take a deep breathe, step back, and remember YOU ARE IN CONTROL. Visualize the end, recall it's only temporary and that you can do things to make it better. And most importantly - Smile!

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Do you eat the same 7 foods in different ways?

7 Foods and 7 Exercises are what most of us fall back on, all the time!!!!! Did you know there are actually over 400 edible fruits and veggies in our world? I bet most of you just rotate your basic 7 foods and eat them over and over, but just prepare them using different methods.

You are in a rut, but more importantly you are not giving yourself enough of a variety of vitamins, minerals and phytonutrients to keep you at your peak HEALTH. Try something DARING!!! It will take you between 3 and 5 times of tasting a new food before you will like it and really want to eat it again. You will be happy you branched out.

Another suggestion would be to try and eat seasonally, in other words, primarily focus on the foods that are grown in the current season. There is a reason you may crave apples, cider or fresh apple pie in the fall. The same can be said for squash. Do you look to eat more strawberries, blueberries and melon in the spring and summer? How often to you want to eat something ice cold during the winter or want a hot bowl of soup during the summer? Our bodies are inherently smart and know what they need. The problems arise when our Minds lead the way. We are so influenced by advertising and yummy sounding foods that we ignore our inborn food wisdom. Think about it, how can a blackberry be fresh in NY during December? Are they growing in your backyard? They are not in mine, under the ice. Get it???

Pay attention to your body and try to quiet your mind when choosing foods. Try new things. I recently tried a protein source, Bison Strip Steaks, which I never thought I would eat and they are amazing. It was not until the 3rd time, that I tried it that I truly loved it.

Try this Recipe:
Brush a small amount of olive oil, sea salt, garlic powder and pepper on the steaks.
Pan sear the steaks in a very hot pan on the stove for about 3 minutes per side.
Keep steaks warm on a plate when cooked. Add some ghee or butter to the pan, with shallots and some red wine and saute the sauce.
Add steaks back to the pan and finish them in the oven at 375 for an additional 10 minutes. You can add sauteed onions to the steaks before adding finishing int he oven.

Bison is a healthier meat then traditional sirloin. It is rich in Omega 3 and CLA. Whole Foods sells the steaks or you can buy a high quality at U.S. Wellness Meats.

The same principle is applied at the gym. Most people do the same 7 exercises at the gym. You can probably find at least 207 exercises to do perform. If you are an exercise repeater, ask a trainer at your gym for some suggestions. Maybe you want to find a trainer with online access to programming. For a nominal fee, you should be able to find a qualified trainer to help design programs for you with animation on how to perform the exercises in a safe way. If money is limited for this, look online, ask a friend or buy a high quality dvd and switch with a friend. Whatever you do, pay attention to your Core and Total Body movements and not just your chest, biceps and triceps. Learn to do a squat and lunge and then combine them with other movement patterns.

Good Luck!!!

Tip of the Day: Get beyond the number 7 and reach for 8, 9 and 10 (to begin with) One small step to change in food and exercise will eventually open you up to more small changes in your life and opportunities.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Where did your Calories Go?

Are you trying to get in shape and stay healthy? At the end of the day, do you know what you actually ate? I am going to give you my top tips for eating for Health & Weight Loss.

1. Keep a Food Log. This can be on a small piece of paper, in a book or electronically. Most people underestimate what they actually eat and drink in a day. This will help you get to the facts.

2. Fill up & stock up on FRESH Veggies and fruits. You can eat a large volume of veggies and fruits and they will barely make a dent in your calorie allowances each day. These foods are high in fiber and vitamins, minerals and phytonutrients.

3. Limit or eliminate the amount of milk and milk products you eat. If you must have Milk, look for Unhomoginized (Whole Foods Carries this) and Raw Cheese Products. Processed Dairy is irritating to many people's digestive systems and can also alter your immunity.

4. If you eat Red Meat, look for Grass fed and/or Organic Meats. These animals are raised in a healthier manner and fed what a cow is meant t eat. Toxins are stored in fat, so that they are kept away from organs. Amimals fed corn and soy have toxic fat which is then transferred to you. Your body will also hold the animals toxins in your FAT.

5. Include whole-grain choices such as brown rice and 100-percent whole wheat products for additional nutrients and to increase
your fiber intake.
Look for sprouted grain varieties and try other complex carbohydrates such as quinoa, spelt, amaranth, barley and couscous.

6. Reduce your portion sizes. Use a salad plate for your main dish. If you eat out, have them wrap 1/2 to go before they serve you the food.

7. Realize that you do not have to eat 3 large meals everyday. Try breaking up your food into smaller portions throughout the day. Each time you eat, you rev up your metabolism through the digestion process. Remember...this means eating the same amount of food (not more) just in smaller portions. This helps keep blood sugar level throughout the day.

8. Plan your snacks ahead of time. Prep your food early in the week and keep it ready in the fridge for quick healthy options. This way you won't be looking to eat everything in site.

*****Never beat yourself up and always look forward. Everyday is an improvement to yesterday. Each improvement that you make will take you one step closer to ultimate health & vitality.

Tip of the day: Try one change at a time until it seems easy to add the next!!!!

Saturday, October 10, 2009

Just Downsize Your Plates, Your Stress & your FOOD

Is Stress causing you to be FAT? When you are feeling Stress- Do you Eat, Do you MOVE or are you consciously trying to redirect your thoughts? :

I hear it all the time..."I can't wait to have a drink to unwind"," I deserve this cookie because I had such a hard day." Do you ever really think about how long the alcohol or sugar may make you feel better? When you eat sugar, you may feel a temporary rush, but soon after you feel a more prominent crash. Maybe your mood has changed or you have an even stronger craving or you might feel shaky, and reach for some more sugar. Chances are that if you were to keep a journal with what you eat and what emotions you were feeling before and an hour after the food- you would begin to become AWARE of how your Food Choices really effect you. FOOD IS A DRUG! (LITERALLY)

Another option to deal with STRESS would be to get moving. Obviously that means some sort of exercise. Here's the important part: Exercise SHOULD MEAN DIFFERENT THINGS TO DIFFERENT PEOPLE. What you do should depend on your PERSONAL STRESS LOAD. I have said this before STRESS IS NOT JUST EMOTIONAL STRESS. It also means how, what and when you eat, are you sick or run down?, do you have inner candida, is your body tired from not enough sleep, etc... Depending on where you are will dictate how you should move. BUT BELIEVE ME THE RIGHT MOVEMENT WILL ALLEVIATE YOUR STRESS AND ANXIOUS FEELINGS. Movement may be walking, running, weight work at the gym or it could be stretching, yoga, pilates or tai-chi. You can Work OUT but more people probably need to WORK IN.

Here are your tips of the Day :
DOWNSIZE your PLATES so they hold less food.
Downsize the noise while you eat. Turn off the TV while you eat- you will eat less. If you eat out, have 1/2 your food wrapped to go before they bring it out to you.
Eat the portion sizes you had 20 years ago before the world supersized
Simplify your cooking at home and cook more meals

*Never tell yourself that a food is off limits- you'll only crave it more. Find a friend to share a cookie with or order 1 dessert for the table or split 1 Crumbs cupcake into 5 pieces.

If you must have a latte, switch the ingredients to get rid of the fattening dairy!
I have a decaf americano (espresso) with a few pumps of vanilla syrup and a drop of caramel. Americano is made with water and you still get the sweetness. Get it hot or iced! And it's also OK not to finish it. Learn to trust your body's cues to fullness.
You get the point.

Friday, October 9, 2009

SOY- It's not what you think!!!

Soy is one of those topics where I feel people are very misinformed and uninformed. Most people have been programmed to believe what they see ADVERTISED. Most people have never had the opportunity to become informed by a third party with nothing to gain from sharing information. For the past 7 years I have been studying health and nutrition and in that time I have been exposed to ideas and facts that I never would have believed prior to this journey.

Americans have been raised to think that Milk- does a body good and we need it to get our Calcium requirements, we assume that artificial sweeteners are better than sugar and of course safe since the FDA has approved it for sale and we have learned to think that a perscription drug will only make us better. One of the biggest offenders, in my opinion, are the benefits of Soy.

For a while we heard Soy prevents heart disease, cancer and aging. Do you ever wonder who is behind these so called facts? Please read the short fact list on SOY. This is reprinted from the WESTON A. PRICE FONDATION. The Weston A. Price foundation has no agenda other than better HEALTH for you and for YOU to be better informed before you choose what you eat.

Confused About Soy?--Soy Dangers Summarized

* High levels of phytic acid in soy reduce assimilation of calcium, magnesium, copper, iron and zinc. Phytic acid in soy is not neutralized by ordinary preparation methods such as soaking, sprouting and long, slow cooking. High phytate diets have caused growth problems in children.
* Trypsin inhibitors in soy interfere with protein digestion and may cause pancreatic disorders. In test animals soy containing trypsin inhibitors caused stunted growth.
* Soy phytoestrogens disrupt endocrine function and have the potential to cause infertility and to promote breast cancer in adult women.

* Soy phytoestrogens are potent antithyroid agents that cause hypothyroidism and may cause thyroid cancer. In infants, consumption of soy formula has been linked to autoimmune thyroid disease.
* Vitamin B12 analogs in soy are not absorbed and actually increase the body's requirement for B12.
* Soy foods increase the body's requirement for vitamin D.
* Fragile proteins are denatured during high temperature processing to make soy protein isolate and textured vegetable protein.
* Processing of soy protein results in the formation of toxic lysinoalanine and highly carcinogenic nitrosamines.
* Free glutamic acid or MSG, a potent neurotoxin, is formed during soy food processing and additional amounts are added to many soy foods.
* Soy foods contain high levels of aluminum which is toxic to the nervous system and the kidneys.

How You Can Help! We have several initiatives we are working on to alert people to the dangers of soy. These efforts will require continued support. Click here for our donation form.
Soy Studies

* For a list of over 200 studies showing the toxicity of soy, see
* Dangers of Dietary Isoflavones at Levels Above Those Found in Traditional Diets, Posted 19 OCT 2002
* Studies Showing General Adverse Effects of Soybeans, 1971-2001, Posted 19 OCT 2002

Soy Activism

* An Open Letter to Barack Obama
* Soy Prison Complaint as filed
* WAPF Comments to FDA re: Final Rule Re Food Labeling: Health Claims; Soy
Protein and Heart Disease, Posted 24 FEB 2008
* WAPF Comments to FDA on Solae Petition (PDF), Posted 11 APR 2005
* Rebuttal to Solae Health Claim re: Soy and Cancer (PDF), Posted 25 JAN 2005
* Response to Solae's FDA Petition (PDF), Posted 14 JUN 2004
* Press Release Regarding Response to Solae's FDA Petition (PDF), Posted 05 JUL 2004
* Soy-Based Infant Formula: Testimony to the US FDA, Posted 12 DEC 2003

Soy Articles

* Colony Collapse Disorder: Soy Tie to Bee Die-Off?, Posted 15 FEB 2008
* Recovery from Soy: Part I --A Strategy for Dealing with Soy Allergies, Posted 14 FEB 2008
* Soy and Osteoporosis: Not a Leg to Stand On, Posted 18 DEC 2006
* Soy Industry on the Attack, Posted 16 JUL 2006
* The Soy Controversy, Posted 26 MAY 2004
* Soy and the Brain, Posted 28 APR 2004
* Advertising and Monkey Business, Posted 17 FEB 2004
* Committee on Toxicity in Foods and the Environment, Posted 23 MAR 2003
* Reply to Robert Cohen, the Not Milk Man, Posted 09 FEB 2003
* Tragedy and Hype
* Soy: The Dark Side of America's Favorite "Health" Food
* The Ploy of Soy
* Soya: The Quiet Conquest
* Soy Isoflavones: Panacea or Poison?
* Maganese Madness

Excerpts From The Whole Soy Story
By Kaayla Daniel, PhD, CCN

* The Promotion of Soy: Introduction by Sally Fallon, Posted 09 AUG 2005
* Soy Lecithin: From Sludge to Profit, Posted 24 FEB 2004
* Soy Carbohydrates: The Flatulence Factor, Posted 06 DEC 2003
* Not Milk and Uncheese: The Udder Alternatives, Posted 25 SEP 2004

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Gluten- Is it just a Buzz Word? What to Eat to avoid Gluten and where it's Hiding

GLUTEN- It's not just a word for Celiac's anymore!!!

For the most part- Gluten is a mixture of proteins found in wheat, rye and barley. It's actually in many more things than the above.

Wheat Free doesn't also mean Gluten Free- they are two different things, although, Gluten is found in Wheat as well as other sources.

Most people are actually Intolerant of Gluten and don't know it. Gluten intolerance could be the culprit of your Mood Disorders, ADHD/ADD, Depression, Thyroid Issues, Ulcerative Collitis, IBS, Bloating, Fatigue, Headaches, Bodyaches, Skin rashes and much more...

Here is the Gluten Free Safe List:
Buckwheat & Kasha
Steel Cut Oats (If uncontaminated)
Rice (even glutinous rice is safe) It's not Gluten
Taro Root/ Teff
Tapioca (casava, casaba, yucca)

Gluten can be hidden in these products that you thought were safe:

Breadcrumbs & Biscuits
Most processed and box made baked goods, pie crusts and Muffins
Gravies & Sauces
Teriyaki Sauce
Most ready made marinades
Imitation Crab
Soy Sauce

The iffy's:

Flavors & Natural flavorings
Seasonings and spice Blends
Starch (in pharmacueticals)
Brown Rice Syrup

And of Course...
Anything that has grown out of the ground is safe...
All Fruits and Vegetables

Monday, September 21, 2009

There's No Right Way to Eat for Everyone.. Differences Run Deep

We are all so different on the outside as well as having all sorts of dispositions and personalities. Have you ever stopped to think about whether or not we are all different on the inside too? Well, we are. We are all Biochemically, hormonally and genetically varied. More experts are beginning to agree that our diets do need to be individualized in order for us to reap the benefits of what we eat. This is the main reason why fad diets will only work for a percentage of the people that go on them.

There are many factors taken into consideration when determining your Metabolic Type (Food Type). Genetic Makeup, Culture & Background, Lifestyle, Personality Traits, Day to day physical health,Seasons and weather, Gender and Age are just a few categories that affect what Foods We Need to FUEL Ourselves optimally. Once you find the correct foods and proportions for "YOU", your body will quickly transform itself into a health and energy machine. As they say "one man's medicine is truly another man's poison.

There are a few rules that apply to all types... Pure, Clean Water is needed by all of us. You should be drinking 1/2 your weight in ounces of water each day.

Have you struggled with food, weight, emotions about eating, cravings or food addictions? It's never too late to begin Eating for Your type to normalize your body and improve your general HEALTH & VITALITY. (This includes the aches, pains and allergies) you have learned to live with.

Tip of the Day: Take the Right Approach to Health. There are three main Emotional Cues to take into consideration. MOTIVATION, AWARENESS and PATIENCE. Motivation to carry out change, Awareness is remembering your motivation and intention, as well as being aware of potential pitfalls and blockers, and having the Patience to make small changes and reap the benefits.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Food / Mood Connections... You are What you Eat and Your Stress is connected

You've heard it before but do you really get it? You should try to be open minded and make small changes. For example...You need B6, Vitamin C, Folic Acid, and Zinc because these are necessary nutrients for your brain to feel Good. These are literally good mood nutrients. They are needed to make Seratonin from tryptophan. Get these nutrients from eating Grass Fed Beef, Wild Fish and Beans.

Are you depressed? A good possibility could be the lack of Folic Acid or Selenium in your diet. There is a strong connection between too little Folic Acid and Depression. Eat these foods to help get out of your funk: Oranges, Turkey, asparagus, beets, and green leafy veggies like spinach.

Grouchy? Anxious? Out of sorts?... Hope not, but these foods can give you the Selenium boost your body may be craving: Whole Organic Grains, tomatoes, eggs, broccoli, tuna and sunflower seeds. Organic foods will give you a higher nutrient availability.

Food really affects your mood, energy and health. Think about it, if it can sit on a shelf for years at a time- what do you think it's doing in your body. Do you think you can actually pull the nutrients your body needs from boxed CRAP.

Here's today's tip: Shop the grocery store Perimeter.
That's where the freshest foods are located. Buy and eat local, if possible. Make a list of fresh herbs, veggies and fruits, grains and meats or fish. Try some new recipes and experiment with foods that have 5 ingredient's or less. You will feel the difference within Days. Add more Water a day to those fresh foods and really kick start your Energy, Mood and health!!!!

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Peel Back the Layers and See What's Causing You Stress and extra FAT

We all know that Stress is a silent killer and linked to many other issues as well. Do you ever wonder why all the exercise in the world, does not get rid of Muffin Top? Wonder why our head hurts, or your PMS is out of control or maybe you are having sleep issues.

We live in a universe of laws. The Law of Attraction is always working to bring you the experiences you are thinking about. Cause and Effect is the law that determines our physiology. Being sick or overweight is an EFFECT. In order to get healthy and lose weight, you must find the CAUSE and address that first.

Ask yourself WHY are you chubby and/or out of shape to begin with?

Do you eat because your bored? Do you eat to procrastinate? Do you eat processed foods, artificial sweetener or sugar? Overdo it with coffee? Not enough sleep? Too much stress from your relationship, exercise program or career choice? Maybe you are a binge eating or drinking too much alcohol? Are you a couch potato?

Going to the gym and dieting are not the Answer because they don’t address the reason why the FAT is covering your abs to being with. It's likely that even if you do lose weight, you will gain it right back unless you address the CAUSE. Find the cause and address that. The effect (weight loss) will come naturally when you take responsibility.

If you want to lose weight and get healthy - you need guidance. We ALL need guidance in some area of life.

Most of us have accountants, lawyers, travel agents, mechanics, chefs, spiritual teachers, career mentors, tailors, etc… You see my point?

Human health, the science of safe & effective exercise programs and the physiology of weight loss requires an expert for MOST (not all) people.

Find a real expert and either become friends, work for them or become their client or take a class. Have the power and the Strength to learn to Deconstruct your Cravings. Once you know what is causing you to CRAVE a Food, you can redirect your Food Choice to what your body is truly reaching out for.

Underlying Emotions sometimes are interpreted as cravings for foods. Maybe you are actually craving Entertainment, Movement or a Hug. It could be that other parts of you and your psyche are really reaching out for more varied activities. Are you using food to distract you from being bored? Maybe you need more love, affection and fulfillment. Touch is so important for Humans. Food can fill you up but it won't fulfill you. It could be a lack of movement that is translating as aches, pains, tightness and stress in your muscles, but you think you need some alcohol and sugar foods to unwind and relax. It's only causing more damage.

Please find someone that can help you understand "YOUR CRAVINGS" and get you on the path to real health and less Stress.

Here is a tip...Start with Small Changes. for example, to begin losing weight fast, switch from simple carbohydrates t complex carbohydrates and eat lots of veggies. You will Lose weight. Plant foods are so low in calories and they force your Body to burn it's own fat.

Visit for more tips

Check in with your Stress-O-Mom-oter and start living the way you were designed to be

What's Really Holding you Back from your Health Goals?

Sunday, August 2, 2009

Emotions, Stress and Food SUMMERTIME

Well, it's summer, so I hope you are taking the time to regenerate and reflect. Now is the perfect time to unwind and let go of any Stress you may have been holding on to. Do you feel like you are missing anything in your life? Is there an empty feeling you can not identify with? Do you find yourself craving any foods or maybe eating too much or just eating foods that may not make you feel your best???

Sometimes, weight issues and food issues are replacements for emotions and/or subconscious feelings that your life just is not what you were expecting. Maybe you don't love your profession or maybe you are tired of not having a profession or a job, maybe you are unsatisfied with some relationships in your life. Are you aware that if you have emotions or thoughts of emptiness, or being unfulfilled or that your relationships could be may be eating to fill the void.

Try keeping a journal or food log that allows you to record what you ate, how you were feeling emotionally at the time and how that food made your body and your mind feel about 2 hours after you ate. I bet within a few weeks, you may begin to see correlations between your food habits and your mental state. You can also try talking to a friend that you trust. I have seen many people make huge changes in their diets and their HEALTH when they become aware of the FOOD / MOOD Connections.

Take some time this summer with yourself. Try taking long walks, sit under a tree, plant a garden, exercise outside and read a book in the sun. Get to know yourself (the person who you were as a child.) Reconnect with the child you were who had so many dreams and ideas of who they were and what they wanted out of life. Remember the fearlessness and excitement you felt everyday and Remember the feeling you had that Everything was within your reach!!! Everything is still within your reach- You just have to remember what it is that you truly WANT FROM THIS LIFE!!!!

These are the keys to releasing stress and enabling yourself to live your best life and recover your Vibrant health and Energy that you are meant to have.

Check in with your Stress-O-Mom-oter and just BE!!!!!!

Saturday, May 30, 2009

Why is METABOLISM important?

I know many of you think that Metabolism is a buzz word or an excuse as to why you can't lose weight. I have heard people say, "It doesn't matter how much I exercise and eat because I have a slow Metabolism."

I want to tell you this is not true!!!!!! Bearing that you have no "abnormal" conditions like hypothyroidism, you can change your metabolism. It is never to late. In short, Metabolism means the rate at which your body burns calories. Your Metabolism is determined by the combination of hormones, molecules and all the cell messenger chemicals in your body. Metabolic pathways can either be Catabolic (Breaking down & Fat storage) or Anabolic (Building Up and Repair). We need both pathways but we need the correct balance between the two.

Things such as STRESS, Dieting, Processed Foods, Toxins and Chemicals, and Sleep can actually alter your Metabolic Rate. For instance, constant dieting, CRAP diet and calorie deficiencies can actually SLOW down your Metabolism. The less you eat, the slower your metabolism must work because there is no food to digest.

Stress and high Cortisol levels (especially relative to DHEA) can cause your body to hold on to a "tire of fat" around your middle. When you are continually on the go- you set your body up for the constant "fight ot flight" reaction that was only designed to be an emergency system in our bodies.

The fake food is also dangerous to you. Many of the chemicals added to our foods and the plastics and cookware we use can actually alter our hormones in a dangerous way.

Try to follow these few tips and see if you FEEl and SEE Changes in your body and your mood.
1. Remove all fake/processed foods form your kitchen. In other words, get rid of all the ANTINUTRIENTS

2. Add back as many whole, grown and real foods that you were designed to eat. These are the food groups that will help you to restore your FAT BURNING hormones and shut down your FAT STORING Hormones.

3. Eat at Regular Intervals and Learn what portion of food give you energy instead of lethargy.

4. Rebalance your body with the missing Nutrients you are still missing.

5. Reign in the Stress. learn to rebalance your life and find ways for Stress release that work for you. (Try walking, journaling, yoga, exercise, sleep, dance, nature, planting a garden, music or finding more ME time for yourself.)

Tip of the day:
Your health has been stolen form you by Big Pharma and the Food Giants. Take it back with clean food, sleep, exercise and local farmers. Know what you are eating and be able to pronounce every ingredient you put into your mouth.

You can even test your hormone levels with simple saliva tests.

Call me for more information...516-304-8466
Visit my website

Thursday, April 30, 2009

Get back to Nature and de-stress

Springtime is the perfect time to take advantage of the positive effects nature has on our psyche. When you feel stressed, take some time to step outside and notice the flowers, trees and plants. Listen to the birds and take some deep relaxing breaths. Just be outside and notice how beautiful and crisp the colors are around you. You can take a journal with you and record what your body and mind are telling you.

By surrounding yourself with the negative ions of nature (which have positive effects on your mood), you help your body to de-stress. Notice how your breathing becomes more relaxed and your body may feel lighter.

Try grounding yourself everyday. Walk barefoot on the grass for at least 10 minutes each day. The earth will help to balance you. Touch a plant and think about what they do for us each day. They help purify our air and add beauty to our environment.

Be thankful that Spring has Sprung! Take the time to be aware of all the beauty around you.

Take a News break for 3-5 days and Sit on your porch each morning after the kids have gone to school and drink some water or tea, while you soak it all up. You'll feel calmer than when you started.

Nature is a natural reviver, boost me up and de-stresser. It won't cost you a penny and yet the benefits are enormous.

Get some sunshine everyday and SMILE- then check in with where your Stress-O-MOM-oter is.

Friday, April 24, 2009

Magic Bullet reduces STRESS.. Get one Quick

I think the Magic Bullet is such a great marketing name. Wouldn't it be great if there was a magic bullet for everything in our lives? Well this Magic Bullet can help with parties, dinner prep, snacks and dressings, dips and frozen Margaritas and your SANITY!!! I recently bought the Magic Bullet blending system, but with a lot of hesitation. I have to tell you that this thing is great!! It comes with so many attachments that it makes food prep really speedy and easy. You can chop, dice and blend without having to constantly wash the big blender attachment. I have made the freshest dressings, smoothies dips and even Omeletes with it. Why am I talking about this Magic Bullet? I LOVE IT because it reduces External and Internal Stress!!!

You will save time and be able to prep your meals faster with much less MESS!!! Even better than that is that it will enable you to prepare fresher foods in no time with no more excuses. Your body and mind will thank you for feeding it foods with no chemicals and preservatives. The fresher the food, more of the nutrients can actually be used by your body. And... the more nourished your Body is the better you feel.

Here is a magic bullet tip for balancing your food each day!
Think about each day's food like you do your discretionary income. You Eat (or Spend) on the necessities first, then you have room to play. So, this means you start each meal with the naturally colorful foods and make sure you have protein, high quality fat (coconut oil, olive oil, butter, etc...) fruits and veggies for your meals and chew it slowly. Then if you are still craving the other stuff, have a bit of it last. Eventually, you will stop craving a lot of the processed foods, because your body will be nourished and satisfied from the real vitamins, minerals and proteins you have already consumed.

This Less Stress on your body tip works! I follow it and so do my clients. Enjoy and Eat in Season.

Try this fresh dressing (and use your magic bullet) took less than 5 minutes- it's
Fresh & Yummy!

Raspberry Vinaigrette Dressing
1/2 cup maple syrup
1/2 cup olive oil
1/3 cup fresh lemon juice
1/3 cup raspberries
1 teaspoon dry mustard
1/4 teaspoon of salt
1/4 teaspoon pepper
Place in blender and blend till smooth

1 tablespoon of minced red onion
2 tablespoons poppy seeds (optional)
Add to blender and pulse briefly

Saturday, April 11, 2009


How do you eat when you are away? What is your exercise intensity when you are away from home? Do you take advantage of the sunshine and warm weather and play as many sports as possible? Are you the person who lays on a chair all day and drinks margaritas, eats and soaks up the sun?

I think there should be a happy medium. I know lots of us may feel like we work so hard at home that we just need some time to do nothing. I agree with you, but this should also be a time to eat the foods from the region you are visiting and get some outdoor exercise. It can be hiking, skiing, golf, tennis, jogging, swimming or even surfing. How about basketball or climbing Dunns River Falls?

I hear so many people tell me that they can't wait to have some drinks by the pool and relax. Those drinks at the pool will change your cravings and usually for the worse. I look at a vacation (when so many meals are eaten out) as an opportunity to have someone else prepare any better option you have ever wanted but didn't know how to prepare. Think about it, have any type of chicken, beef or fish grilled, baked or broiled. Try fresh sauces and have extra vegetables. Ask for no bread on the table when you are out. The drinks you have before ordering actually stimulate your brain to crave carbs and sugar- so you eat the bread. Then you eat more bread. By the time you get dinner you have eaten empty crap and you are too full for the reason you picked that restaurant in the first place. If you are really hungry when you sit down, ask to order salads and appetizers immediately, so that as soon as the hunger hits you have something better to eat than bread.

Make a promise to yourself to get some form of exercise each day, but pick something you love. Then it's fun and not work. Try something you have never done before. You can even choose to walk all over the town you are in and enjoy what you see. You get it. Oh and remember to drink a lot of fresh water throughout the day. Usually, we confuse hunger with thirst.

Try these few tips and I bet you come back from your vacation re-energized and really rested. It will be hard for you to feel stressed if you try these simple ideas. A vacation can be a blessing and a good way to eliminate cravings. Remember you have access to healthy and fresh choices at every meal, so stay away from the sugary crap (since it only encourages you to eat more crap!) If you must drink, choose wisely as to not cause even more bad food choices. Oh and the heat and alcohol is a double whammy to your body. Love your LIVER and your LIFE and de-stress with colorful foods, and fresh air, sunshine and fun activities.

TIP of the day: You can look at your vacation as a time to indulge and sit around or as the opportunity it is to LIVE LIFE to the fullest and have every food option you could imagine at your fingertips. Choose your restaurants wisely and enjoy the palette of foods, colors and tastes that the world has to offer. Enjoy and please come back rested.

Monday, April 6, 2009

What's for Dinner?

I don't know about you, but my kids leave the house asking What's for dinner? I hear it again when they come home. What's for dinner? Do you find it hard to make everybody in your family happy? How many different meals are you preparing? My children got used to a buffet of choices because I would make 3 choices for 5 people, thinking each would eat what they liked, but they would usually end up trying most of it (except for my daughter- who is not a big taster.) My shopping list would be massive trying to get all the ingredients for the different dishes. This one meal was taking so much time each day for shopping and preparing it. As much as I LOVE COOKING, and I do! The process could be stressful. It took me a while but I finally got smart.

When I went back to school to study food quality, diet and nutrition, I learned that it takes humans between 5 and 8 times of tasting a food, for us to like it. Most people say they don't like a food when they have tasted it once. Of course they don't like it, because it is out of their comfort zone. Think about the first times you gave your babies food. They would scrunch up their face at something new. We are the same because of how our taste buds work. Give you and your family the gift of new foods and experiences by repeating it until they begin to change their opinions. It works!!! I did not eat any fish except tunafish salad, Nova and shrimp for 36 years because I thought I didn't like it. Now I love Wild Salmon, and other fish(I stay away from high mercury fish). I began by tasting fish other people would order and one day I began ordering my own Salmon. I knew I could not recommend it to my clients if I was unwilling to eat it. The same goes for your children. If you are eating junky, processed foods- then guess what, so are they. If you would serve more vegetables (raw or cooked), fruits and baked, broiled and roasted meats/fish AND PUT MORE OF IT ON YOUR PLATE..they will eventually EAT HEALTHIER TOO. Let's face it, most people become mini versions of their role models. Children raised on whole grains, fruit (for treats), veggies and organic proteins and dairy, still eat this way. They understand how good that food tastes because their taste buds did not get corrupted and addicted to sugars and refined carbohydrates and chemicals.

When you clean out your body and begin to eat healthy for at least a month, you realize the SAD (Standard American Diet) stinks and doesn't even taste fresh. Think about it, if a loaf of bread ( is meant to stay fresh only a few days), yet stays in the bag for weeks without mold, their must be some nasty chemicals keeping it looking fresh. Those same chemicals are hanging around in your liver, and lining your intestines.

Did you know that most people rotate 8 veggies, 8 favorite dishes and 8 exercises their entire lives. There are actually more than 300 veggies in the world and over 25 sources of protein out there.

To reduce my stressful shopping and dinnertime issues, I bought lots of cookbooks and cooking magazines and make new foods all the time. If they don't like the main dish- the eat more salad and vegetables to fill up. It has worked and I am proud to say that my family will now taste just about anything there is. We are all much happier people, and I am thriled knowing that their bodies and brains are getting the best fuel possible.

Tip: Remember your food is your lifeline. The nutrients in the foods you choose to eat are what grow your bone cells, replace your blood, and cells and nourish your brain. The more colorful and natural the food is- the better it is for you. The less chemicals you consume- THE LESS STRESSED YOU AND YOUR BODY WILL BE. Do it for you and your loved ones.

Remember to check in with your Stress-O MOM-oter to see how your decisions are affecting you.

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Got Children, Paying Property Taxes?= Got Stress!

Stress is linked to disease and death. Stress is also known as a secret killer. Stress can be managed, but most people neglect to acknowledge all the stressors in their lives. I may sound like a broken record but Stress comes in so many forms and we don't recognize most of them. Start today to manage the forms of Stress that are within your control.

Here's what I mean-
Out of your Control: A daily commute, an emotional trauma, a type A personality spouse, too few hours in the day and a long to do list along with the upcoming April 15th date.

Within your Control: The quality and types of foods you CHOOSE to EAT, When you EAT during the DAY, How much you SLEEP each night, If and HOW you EXERCISE, Supplements you take, and your DETOXIFICATION system.

Stress can even stay locked up in your muscles, fascia and mind. Our bodies hold onto to past stress and traumas , even years after it initially occurred. Stress can leave you exhausted, feeling knots in your shoulders and neck, with low back pain, migraines, depressed, nauseous or with the feeling of a Need to EAT.

Talk about what bothers you and don't keep it bottled up. Try to pinpoint what gave you that clenched tooth feeling? Keep a journal by your bed or in your office and write down your feelings about things asap. Write things down before you go to bed, this helps get it out of your brain and out of your system. Try to slow down and take up Yoga (Yes! this really helps, on so many levels.) Find a type of Yoga that you can identify with. YOGA is HARD and will give you a good workout but more important it unwinds your soul.

Make it a point to try and eat FOODS that are not processed. The chemicals mess up your brain. When you eat poor quality foods, your body has to expend more energy to digest it then your body receives from it. This makes you tired and cranky and more hungry. The vicious eating cycle is adding more stress onto YOU and especially to your LIVER. Your LIVER adds to your LIFE by taking toxins away from your organs and blood stream. Your FAT holds onto the processed toxins and your STRESS. Your Muscles hold your STRESS and you may end up taking it out on the people you LOVE.

Live healthy, Eat Healthy and Enjoy every moment of your day. Hug your children! Tell your spouse and kids how much you LOVE THEM. Be Grateful for what you have and cherish your body. It's the only one you will ever have.

Do something nice for someone!!!!!

Check in with your Stress-O-MOM-oter everyday.

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Why do we choose "bad" foods when we are stressed?

I hear that question all the time. Do you run to the refrigerator or pantry when you are feeling emotionally stressed? Do you pour yourself a glass of wine or a mixed drink to relax? Do you crave that cup of coffee for pep? Or maybe you need a bagel, pizza or a bite of candy. Do you drive through the fast food lane if you feel starved and just can't wait to eat?

Take some time to identify your emotional eating triggers. Begin to anticipate what scenarios make you want to eat. Think about what emotions you feel before you eat something that you may regret later. Once you know what may set you off, you will be able to change the outcome.

Take some time to have better choices of comfort food available to you. Try always having food choices ready to munch on. For example, keep cut up veggies in your fridge (get them ready on Sunday) with hummus, salsa or a honey mustard dip. Have some rolled up turkey or roast beef. Keep a good organic cheddar cheese (white) ready to have with veggies or fruit. Keep grapes frozen for a quick bite. Have guacamole with a few corn chips or sliced veggies. Keep almond butter/peanut butter ready to make celery boats. Keep pineapple, cantaloupe or watermelon cut and ready. Try having strawberries dipped in chocolate. Put tuna fish on some Mary's crackers or maybe have a sushi with brown rice. If you eat nutrient dense foods you will loose your cravings and feel satisfied.

Tip... Keep a food journal. Put what you ate and how you were feeling before you ate. Go back to your log 1 hour after eating and put down if you felt full or still hungry, energetic or lethargic, content or still harried feeing.

Most important!!!! Be a CONSCIOUS EATER and know what you are putting in your mouth at all times. You can do a lot to alleviate feelings of stress, just by EATING REAL, NUTRIENT DENSE FOOD. Your body will thank you forever....

Monday, March 23, 2009

Hi everyone,

Try this, I know it can be hard, but...try waking up an extra 20 minutes before you need to wake up your children. Take the 20 minutes of quiet in the morning to reflect on the upcoming day, think about all the things you are grateful for and have a nutritious bite to eat. The point of this is so you can fuel yourself and give a little bit to yourself before you have to do the morning routine.

Did you know that our bodies can not distinguish between stressors? Your body perceives illness, allergies, work/relationship problems, when you eat, WHAT YOU EAT, toxins, sleep, emotional issues and EXERCISE as stress to the system. Think about your body trying to sort through all that stress everyday and still perform for you by giving you optimal energy. It's almost impossible unless you feed yourself perfectly and live your life with no flaws or glitches. What you can do is identify your "alarm" points for stress. Go to, sign up (no cost-only benefits) and take the free Health & Lifestyle Questionaire to identify which areas of your life are the most critical for you to begin to work on. Sign in and take the Chi questionaires. As you begin making changes to your routine, you feel better and the rest becomes as easy as pie. Visit my website for more information on taking care of you. I have resources listed for your benefit.

Sometimes your exercise program could be adding stress to your system instead of helping your system. It all depends on your current load. Try making some simple changes when you feel stressed. Try to eat as much Nutrient Dense food as possible that day, take a walk, try yoga or meditation and get to bed that night by 10 pm. Try these few things for a few days and then take notice if you feel more energetic in the following days. Sleep is the time that your body has to recover and repair itself. While you sleep your immune system is hard at work! The more sleep you get the more anti-aging benefits you give yourself. The more sleep you get, the better your body can maintain a healthy weight and the more sleep you get...the better you will be able to deal with STRESS.

Tip of the day... Get to bed by 10:30 pm each night during the week. (Tivo your favorite shows) If you must have caffeine, make sure you drink it before 1:00pm. Caffeine has a long 1/2 life and can interfere with your sleeping patterns. Avoid sugar before you go to bed. Sleep in a room with the lights and TV off. Make sure all computers are also turned off and let your cell phone charge in a different room. Try to avoid the news right before you go to sleep. Take notice of how you feel after a week of this. I bet you will feel better. I've made these changes in my life and I have so much more patience and fun with my family than I ever did before.

Listen to your Stress-O-Mom-oter and Live Happier everyday!

Friday, March 20, 2009

Do you have Stress and are you a Mom?

Check in with your Stress-O-MOM-oter every now and then. Do you find yourself with the afternoon blues? Are you running out of energy and then running to Starbucks for a Fix? Do you wake up in the middle of the night? Do you feel like you can't lose weight as easy as you could before? Are you anxious or short on patience? Do you give to everybody around you? Can you say NO when somebody asks you for a favor? Do you skip breakfast? Have you ever been a yo-yo dieter? Do you run on the treadmill or other cardio equipment more than 5x a week? What are you eating and drinking throughout the day? What time do you go to sleep at night? Think about these questions carefuly and be honest with yourself.

I am also a mom and I have 3 children who will be turning 12, 14 and 16 this year. I began to feel like the "Manager" of the family, running everybody's schedules, taking care of the house and taking on the title of President of the various school PTA's. One day I realized that I was managing everybody's lives and doing things for so many other people but I wasn't LIVING my life. I had become a "referee and family manager." I forgot to take the time to ENJOY my life and my LIFE with my family. Stress caught up with me a few years ago. I made the choice to Nurture myself first so that I could LIVE and LOVE life and take care of my family and friends while remembering to appreciate what I have EVERYDAY.

Let me help you with small tips each day. Follow me and recapture your love for life everyday. Wake up ready to Experience every moment that is given to you. I am an Optimal Life Coach specializing in Stress Reduction, Metabolic Typing/Nutrition individualized for you, and Exercise. I am trained through the CHEK Institute, NASM, ISSA and Health Excel. I am also a MOM who has learned to follow my stress-o -MOM-oter.

Todays small and invaluable tip... Drink 1/2 your body weight (in ounces) of clean water everyday. Carry around a 1 1/2 liter bottle of Evian, Fiji, Volvic or Jana so you can track what you drink. You can flavor it with the core of a pineapple, apple or maybe a mango pit. Try squeezing some organic lemon, lime or orange into your water or just enjoy it straight. Add a small pinch of sea salt to the bottle so (you won't run to the bathroom all day.)